Choose Your Camp Experience!

Kid’s Day Camp

Grades 1st-4th

Overnight Camp

Grades 3rd-5th

Junior High Camp

Grades 6th-8th


Grades 6th-12th

Summer Camps

A Life Changing Experience

We are an inter-denominational camp serving a variety of churches and groups. Our desire is that every camper attending Victory Camp will have a life changing experience with Jesus Christ.  Our foundation is rooted in a true revelation of Jesus. We believe revelation comes from a genuine relationship with your Creator. Relationship with Jesus is what restores and inspires us to follow Him. | John 15:5

Our unique facilities, recreational activities and friendly staff set the stage for this great summer camp experience.

Want to be a counselor?

Want to be a counselor?

What to Expect

Expect lots of fun – swimming, waterslides, go-karts, sports, outdoor activities, paddleboats, crafts, new friends, games, and the famous blob tower at Victory Lake.

But more than anything, Victory Camp provides an opportunity for a life changing experience. Throughout the day counselors and mentors will be speaking into student’s lives, and encouraging them to be all that God has created them to be. Each day a service is held in the afternoon, centered around games, worship and an uplifting message, but nothing compares to the night services. These are an all-time camp favorite, so impactful and energetic, that students will remember forever.


Pastors James & Steph Pitkin

Victory Camp is a ministry of LS Church. Since 1974, LS Church has served this community, as well as, surrounding communities in effort to create an environment for people to flourish, discovering who they were created to be and how to activate their purpose.

Our campus is a group of ministries with a shared purpose of training future leaders. From weekend church services, to year round daycare, summer camps with intern opportunities, a K-12 Christian School to a post high school Leadership College for young leaders aspiring to be in ministry our mission is consistent – to train and develop leaders.

Contact Us

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